We are proud to announce that WNYNewsNow will be launching an app within the very near future.

The app will feature breaking news alerts, the ability to navigate through local news that’s important to you, understand how weather will affect you with local forecasts, video and severe weather information.

You can also view local news videos embedded within stories and watch live streaming newscasts.

We’ve worked extremely hard the last few months to try to control the pop-up adds that are frustrating a lot of our viewers, and we’ve realized the best way to eliminate the popups is to launch an app that will not utilize the multiple ad revenue services that are on our site.

When we say we are listening to you, the viewer, and working to correct a problem, we mean it. We ask that you remain patient.

We will make an announcement when the app is live for the public. You won’t be disappointed.

2 responses to “WNYNewsNow To Launch App”

  1. Awesome!!! I know a lot of people that don’t use Twitter that will love this. My out of town parents for sure!! Can’t wait. Great news!!

  2. this is wonderful news….but then again WNY:NN is wonderful news …..
    waiting patiently – keep us updated….thank you

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